Kamis, 11 Juni 2015

Meningkatkan Produktivitas Section General Affair dengan focus pada Strategy Facilities Management

"English version is available below" 

Untuk pengingat;
General Affairs
General Affairs (selanjutnya dituliskan GA) adalah bidang pekerjaan yang meliputi semua hal terkait dengan bangunan, pendukung business termasuk: perawatan mechanical-electrical-building, cleaning service, office boy, security guard, supir, perijinan, hubungan dengan masyarakat sekitar dan lain-lain.

Facilities Management
Facilities Management (selanjutnya di tuliskan FM) adalah bidang pekerjaan yang secara ruang lingkup merupakan bagian dari General Affair, dikhususkan untuk area kerja yang bisa dimaksimalkan yaitu berupa: perawatan mechanical-electrical-building, cleaning service, office boy, security guard
Bisa juga dilihat definisi langsung di Wikipedia sbb: facilities management adalah: bidang pekerjaan yang meliputi  koordinasi dari tempat, infrastruktur, orang dan organisasi. Sering dihubungkan dengan administrasi /pengelolaan dari perkantoran, arena, sekolah, kompleks olahraga, convention center, kompleks perbelanjaan, rumah sakit, hotel, dll
Berikut salinan dari Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facility_management
 Facility management (or facilities management or FM) is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordination of space, infrastructure, people and organization, often associated with the administration of office blocks, arenas, schools, sporting complexes, convention centers, shopping complexes, hospitals, hotels, etc

Strategy Facilities Management
Untuk Facilities Management, saat ini sudah banyak strategy yang bisa dilakukan dalam hal meningkatkan produktivitas dari masing-masing area, seperti contohnya:
Cleaning service: memfokuskan hanya kebersihan dan tidak melakukan pekerjaan administrasi; fotokopi, antar surat, dll
Security Guard: memasangkan security system pada setiap pintu utama dan hanya memfokuskan security guard di area luar saja.
Perawatan: menggunakan vendor dan mengevaluasi periode perawatan.

Secara struktur ruang lingkup, facilities management adalah sebagai berikut:


Kesimpulan: dengan  adanya strategy facilities management yang baik, maka produktivitas bisa ditingkatkan

Disclaimer: artikel ini masih sangat umum sekali, untuk bisa memastikan bahwa strategy facilities management bisa diterapkan diperusahaan/kantor/gedung, diperlukan adanya assessment berupa survey dan penilaian di lokasi

Salam FM!

English Version:

Improve the productivity of general affair’s section by focusing to facilities management’s strategy

As reminder:
General Affairs
General Affairs (onward will be write as GA) is an interdisciplinary field which covers all non-core business activities, include: building’s maintenance, maintenance, cleaning service, office boy, security guard, driver, permit – advertisement, leasing, community engagement, etc

Facilities Management
Facilities Management (onward will be write as FM) is a part of General Affair, yes, only part of General Affair, since FM would focus only to area which can be improved such as: building’s maintenance, maintenance, cleaning service, office boy, security guard.
 Facility management (or facilities management or FM) is an interdisciplinary field devoted to the coordination of space, infrastructure, people and organization, often associated with the administration of office blocks, arenas, schools, sporting complexes, convention centers, shopping complexes, hospitals, hotels, etc

Facilities Management’s Strategy
There are several proven strategies of FM in term of increase the productivities such as:
·         Cleaning service: focus to cleaning only and stop do administration’work such as reprography, mailroom, etc
·         Security Guard: install security system, and to focus the security guard to external area.
·         Maintenance: liaise with expert’s vendor and evaluate the maintenance’s period

Conclusion: with good strategy of facility management, the productivities can be improved
Disclaimer: this content still general based on case that already managed by writer, in new location, or new offices, assessment need to be done carefully.
However, mostly productivities can be improved based on assessment,

Written by: Jufiandi Junizir
“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself,
When you become a leader, success is all about growing others”
(Jack Welch)



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